Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Every now and then...

As you get a little older you really start cherishing special moments more than while younger. I do not know that it's the case because you did not worry about time as much before, but you do come to appreciate those special moments that have a lasting impact on your life. Just recently, I was on a trip to Argentina and managed to snap a few pictures of our daily activities and put into a short video. We did manage to get away for a few hours on the last day and get a personal guided tour by my good friend, professional tour guide of Argentina and boss ;-) Dr. Andres Panasiuk. This was not only very educational, but brought into perspective many loose ends that I had about the history of the country.

It was a week of meetings, speaking engagements, then more meetings...but it was an overall excellent time of reflection on what God has been doing in Latina America specifically the country of Argentina for the last decade. I always say that "every now and then" it's good and see what it is that your work and efforts are doing, especially in the life of others. This was one of those moments to see what God had done in the lives of so many.

That's a question that we should always ask ourselves and be in our minds, as we inventory our purpose and destiny this side of eternity.

1 comment:

  1. Great video!!!! Very nostalgic for those of us that have been there. Cafecito, Asado, Amigos... Good pics. Kudos!!!
